Asthma Management
It is essential that all students with asthma have an Asthma Action Plan at school. Please read on for more information.
Why you need a written Asthma Management Plan
According to Asthma Australia, an Asthma Action Plan is one of the most useful asthma tools we have.
It sets out your important asthma information in a way that is easy to follow to help manage your asthma. It is a valuable reminder of what to do in case your asthma gets out of control.
Following your Asthma Action Plan and having regular reviews with your doctor leads to:
fewer days off from school
reduced emergency visits to hospital and
less use of reliever medication.

The importance of an Asthma Management Plan at school
To ensure that Pakenham Secondary College appropriately supports students diagnosed with asthma it is imperative that:
1. Parents/carers provide the school with an Asthma Action Plan (available at the button below) which has been completed by a medical practitioner. The plan must outline:
the prescribed medication taken by the student and when it is to be administered, for example as a pre-medication to exercise or on a regular basis
emergency contact details
the contact details of the medical practitioner
the student's known triggers
the emergency procedures to be taken in the event of an asthma flare-up or attack.
2. School staff may also work with parents/carers to develop a Student Health Support Plan which will include details on:
how the school will provide support for the student
identify specific strategies
allocate staff to assist the student
Any Student Health Support Plan will be developed in accordance with Pakenham Secondary College's Healthcare Needs Policy.
3. If a student diagnosed with asthma is going to attend a school camp or excursion, the parents/cares are required to provide any updated medical information.
If a student's asthma condition or treatment requirements change, parents/carers must notify the school and provide an updated Asthma Action Plan.
4. School staff will work with parents/carers to review Asthma Action Plans (and Student Health Support Plans) once a year.
Doctor Available at Pakenham Secondary College
For students requiring a completed Asthma Action Plan and unable to attend their usual GP, we have a GP available at the Campus Doctor's Office every Wednesday during term time from 11:30am until 3:30pm.
Please click on the button below for more information, and/or to make an appointment.