Attendance & Absences
If a student is unable to attend school, is going to be late or needs to leave early, the school must be informed of all absences, whether it be illness, appointments, holidays or any other reason.
The easiest way is to Login to Compass with your Parent Login and “Add an Attendance Note”

Click here for the Compass Login or you can call the school office on 5945 1433 on the morning of the absence.
Early Departures
Please send a note with your child for early departures. The student should give this to their team leader/coordinator who will provide an Early Leavers Pass for the student to leave class.
If this is not possible, please call the office on the morning of departure so that an Early Leavers Pass can be given to your child at recess/lunchtime.
Teachers will not allow students out of class without a note.