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A Pathway For Every Pupil

Senior Secondary Certificate 2023

Victoria's Senior Secondary Education is changing. 

From 2023, two new programs will be introduced to complement the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE); the VCE Vocational Major and the Victorian Pathways Certificate. 

The VCE Vocational Major is a two-year vocational and applied learning program that will replace Senior and Intermediate VCAL and offer a program that enables successful transitions into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, or directly into employment.

The new Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is a new inclusive and flexible certificate. It is not part of the Victorian Certificate of Education and is not a senior qualification. It offers an engaging curriculum and additional support for you to develop the work-related skills and capabilities you need to succeed.


The VPC is normally completed in Years 11 and 12, but it is flexible so it can be finished over a longer period than 2 years. The coursework is designed and delivered at a more accessible level than the VCE and VCE Vocational Major. You can study the VPC at your own pace and your teachers will assess your progress through a range of classroom learning activities. Selection to participate in the VPC is done on a case-by-case basis and students CANNOT choose the program, which has eligibility criteria as part of the enrolment process.

Students will now have more education choices, a higher-quality curriculum and better workplace experiences - preparing them for further study, training at TAFE or work.

Where to Now? 2023

Our Year 10 students have been given a copy of the booklet Where to Now? 2023, which is a guide to senior secondary school pathways in Victoria. This explains what they need to know about the final years of schooling and the options available. 

The booklet can also be accessed online, via this button:

Below you will find some short informative videos which also explain the new options:

Pathway Options for 2023

Overview of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

The VCE Vocational Major

Overview of the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)

Pakenham Secondary College students have many study options. The College packages its senior school curriculum around a series of programmes, rather than individual subjects. That way, students undertake a programme of study that is linked to their hopes and dreams. To find out more, please read the Senior School Handbook:



The College aims for its students to achieve at least one qualification after their secondary schooling.



The PSC Careers Centre is open every school day during recess and lunch for students to access staff and information.



Year 10 and 11 students receive one-to-one course counselling sessions with our career and pathways team.



For more career information, resources and links, check out our Careers website.

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